Today is 5 months since my life changing DX of a PE blood clot. How did I get it? Good question. Speculation is Covid -19 could it be something else ....could be but not likely.
I went from being a home schooling mom(during covid) working as a sub aide for the handicapped in a High School setting to a stay at home mom(hopefully temporary).
I was overly healthy minus HBP and the usual Anemia, had a couple setbacks due to a throat surgery and Hysterectomy but other than that.. I was good.
Went to see an Urgent Care in March 2020 told I had Bronchitis and my kids did as well, though we had the weird body aches, random fevers that lasted weeks not days, cough that lingered and to finish it all loss of taste and smell. The kids were tested for influenza and strep and tested Neg for both so told it was Bronchitis likely exacerbated by their asthma.
*3 weeks later we were all healed* OR SO I THOUGHT
May 7th 2021 my DX PE--(previous post)
I now have COPD (never smoked) Potassium deficiency and CO2 too high and will require O2 as well as BiPAP. Thank you PE for making me O2 dependent (sarcasm). I am 49 !!
I now have lost 35 lbs, am on a medication called Xarelto still need my HBP pills and now am taking an extra one to control my BP. I as well take a Potassium pill because I am deficient I take supplements of Tumeric and eat everything with Cayenne. I take Goli Apple Cider and SuperGreens. I have had no soda i drink water and 1 cup of coffee a day. I eat very little meat if I do Chicken and some pork. Limited bread. Low salt, low fat diet.
I feel well (enough)
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