****Happy New Year 2022***
A lot has happened this year.
Covid and other things had taken a toll on many. Me included. From aunts to uncles, cousins to friends it has been a rough couple of years.
This past May I was DX'd with a pulmonary embolism in my lower left lung. Life sentence ABSOLUTELY... death sentence I FOUGHT AND WON (for now).I am now nearly 8 months out and 3months clear.
My life now evolves around eating better, snacking less and exercising more. Do I have any tips or tricks NOT REALLY. My motivation is my family (kids and hubby) and the extended family.
This year I will focus back on reviewing products but it will be items that benefit a healthful lifestyle. No not gross foods and exercise equipment (that is unless some is offered, hint hint) but more sustainable lifestyle for someone like me that has learned the value of life.
I will still review with SparkReviewer. I will still do product reviews.
My goal is to leave a feel good message daily I cannot promise daily because I tend to get caught up in the daily family activities but I will do my best.
Leave me a message on how you are doing. Do you feel AMAZING? Have you had a real fight this year?
#1 You are AMAZING!!
#pulmonaryembolismawareness #PEsurvivor
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