Saturday, December 7, 2013

**Dang Foods** Coconut Chips

      As their site states "A Very Addictive Snack" and that is no lie!! I have always been a fan of coconut chips but more times than most they are too sweet, not sweet enough, too dry or too moist but these are FAR from any of those descriptions. The dang foods has quite a story behind it and its name:(provided from their site as too not miss any facts):

Dang is named after my mother, who grew up eating food from some of the best chefs in the world: Bangkok’s street vendors. One day, she passed on her recipe for Thai Lettuce Wraps just like she used to have as a college student. I found myself involuntarily snacking on one of the ingredients - Toasted Coconut. It had a strong, sweet aroma and a very satisfying crunch. I immediately called my family, who have been importing goods to the US for more than 30 years, and with that, our company was born.
Dang’s motto is Dang, that's good!" 

The gracious people at the dang foods offered to let me and my family sample their delicious Coconut Chips in my home and I have to admit after reading about the company and the high quality of products I had no doubt that we would LOVE them. 

Made from the nutrient-packed copra, or meat of the coconut, our toasted coconut chips are a delicious snack that provides loads of energy. The meat is sliced out of mature coconuts then gently toasted until golden brown with a dash of sugar and salt. The toasting process brings out the natural sweetness of the coconut meat and turns it from white to golden brown. Professional tasters detect notes of vanilla, yogurt and pear. What do you taste?
Since copra is high in fiber, you don't have to eat a lot to feel full…a few handfuls and you'll be good to go. We think toasted coconut chips are the perfect snack because they satisfy your snack cravings quickly and give you a boost of energy.

     I have to admit I do not have  a preference of the two styles they sent me they were both filling and tasty, easy to munch on out of the bag or mixed with morning yogurt.
The Caramel Sea Salt with Coconut Sugar was the first one I opened not for any reason in particular I just grabbed and opened. The flavor was naturally sweet not artificial tasting, the pieces were not shredded but flaked and the texture was crisp but not tough. The original was your basic style Coconut flakes with a buttery style flavor the taste was perfect even when added to yogurt or oatmeal. 

This is an extremely involved company they do many conventions and other marketing to get their products known. These can be found online as well as some stores in most areas but you can check it out here for availability.

**All opinions are 100% my own some may differ. I received this product for review and am not being compensated for this article.**

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