Saturday, June 15, 2013

Spring in Your Step Mom Meet-up hosted by Claritin

     As a mom I have learned what it really is like to have a child with allergies. I, growing up, didn't have an issue with allergies but I have a 6yr old who has some serious seasonal allergies and my youngest has allergies to insect bites. I have luckily been asked to participate in the Childrens Claritin Moms Crew thanks to and in association with MomSelect and MommyParties.

     This box could not have arrived at a more perfect time, the onset of seasonal allergies. So excited to see the products included were appropriate for both my younger children and the came in a chewable tablet as well as liquid form. My kit also included a set of 2013 Emergency Preparedness forms and they had a ton of great tips to prepare you and your family in case of emergency.We got these really cool ice packs that velcro to the head but they can also be used as heat packs.
Photo: Claritin moms crew
 It gave me insightful information to share with my attendees including ideas for physical activity and a light workout session which was pretty fun and entertaining for the moms in my group. The recipes that came attached were very tasty and were perfect for many occasions not just to be included in the mom party.
I really enjoyed the idea of creating a ZEN moment, mediatation, lighting a candle, reading, relaxing bath..etc.
     My son had the perfect opportunity to sample and share the Claritin chewable tabs, grape flavor, non drowsy and it provides relief for up to 24 hours. The liquid works perfect as well also grape, no dye, perfect for littler kids no mess no fuss:)
**Thank you to momselect and mommyparties..The item reviewed was tried and tested and results vary by individuals, I feel the product did as stated. I was not compensated for my opinion for anything other than receipt of the product.**

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